3 Simple Secrets to craft your ideal customer avatar that will 10x your business in 2020!

Ashok Kadam
2 min readJan 1, 2020


Creating Customer Avatar is #1 Key to delivering superior Customer Experience!

  • Secret # 1: Know the PSYCHOGRAPHICS:
    For example, my customer avatar’s name is Ramesh Yadav and his psycho-graphics are as under:
    Age: 23
    Education: Undergraduate
    Job: Software Engineer
    Hindu Region:
    India: Hyderabad
    Languages: English, Telugu, Hindi, Tamil
    Income Levels:
    8,000 USD/Annum:
    Marital Status: Single
    Purchasing Power: Yes
    How much you can invest to start with: 100 -1,000 USD
  • Secret # 2: Speak to at least 2 potential customers and
    understand their challenges. Write down — 3 BIGGEST PAINS/FEARS/FRUSTRATIONS/CHALLENGES
    1. Need to go to office every day
    2. Unable to trade time / scare for more money
    3. Demotivation because of lack of interest at work
  • Secret # 3:Speak to at least 2 potential customers and
    understand their desires. Write down — 3 TOP HOPES/DREAMS/DESIRES.
    1. Become better in my physique to be a good model
    2. Financial Freedom to afford anything anytime
    3. Spend more time with my brother and mother
  • Create a form on Google Forms and get at least 2 people to fill the form
    Else get into the shoes of your customer, research yourself and come up with the customer avatar on your own
    e.g. Participate in this survey to get a feel of how to create such a survey form / questionnaire. When you submit this form, I have a surprise gift waiting for you, so please fill it very seriously :)



Ashok Kadam
Ashok Kadam

Written by Ashok Kadam

Father of Twins, Husband to a superwoman, Telecom Engineer-turned-Lifestyle Entrepreneur, Business Coach, Author, Speaker, Founder of Tapping Freedom Hub.

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